Thursday, July 10, 2008


I would like to thank Marie Boran for her constructive comments that were printed today, in the Independent and on (link provided in ‘press coverage’ below)

As with any new venture, which this blog is, it is invaluable to get feedback from all potential readers so that you gain a better understanding of whether you are hitting the mark or not.

The main aim is to help consumers with gaining a better understanding of pension and investment products so that they choose correctly when the time is right, a type of self-empowerment so to speak.

So, as I had already dispensed with the tie (which I always regarded as being for someone else’s comfort) I will now un-tuck the shirt and see what happens.

I’m not so sure I am ready to wear the sandals ‘to work’ yet, though.


Pat Quirke said...

If you have dispensed with the tie as you say, how old is the profile pic that you use? I think that I see the top of a tie there!

Gerard said...

On the day in question, I was 'advised' that it would be more appropriate that I wore a tie, so I did what I was told.

Someone asked me recently if I had any old ties at home, as they were going to make a decorative 'quilt' with them. Perhaps it's time to let them go and I could then buy the same quilt back.

My tie 'advisor' definitely would not let me out of the house with a quilt around my neck.